January 4, 2012

The Folly of God-Denial

Giotto, The Kiss of Judas - Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua

An anonymous follower of this blog emailed me this post (thanks!) by Matt Barber on Townhall.com, the title of which is eloquent enough: “The Folly of God-Denial.” I suppose it is neither philosophically expedient nor politically correct—even if we grant for the sake of argument that it was meant to be a political and/or philosophical discourse—but I am bound to say that I agree with the substance of its line of reasoning, even though I prefer to speak of the “folly of God” which, in St Paul’s words, “is wiser than the wisdom of men.” Good choice of quotations from the New and Old Testament, but also from Albert Einstein and C.S. Lewis.