December 10, 2015

What Is Your Relationship with Power?

Rhine-gold! Rhine-gold! / guileless gold! / O would that thy treasure / were glittering yet in the deep! / Tender and true ’tis but in the waters: / false and base are all who revel above!

~ Richard Wagner, Das Rheingold (Der Ring des Nibelungen, Vorabend), 1854, first performance: September 22, 1869, National Theatre Munich.

What is your relationship with power? If you ask me what is my personal philosophy on this, the answer is in the above quoted “Rhine Daughters’ Lament” at the end of Richard Wagner’s Das Rheingold...


  1. Rob, lovely quote, so apt. Hope you and your family have a merry Christmas and all the best in the new year. Praying for peace.

  2. Thank you, dearest Diana! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your dear ones!

  3. Been a while Rob. All the best!

  4. Thanks friend, all the very best to you, too!
